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RE: Bad Vibrations

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: Bad Vibrations
From: Kevin Andrews <>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 12:13:22 -0400
Have you looked at the tires and see if they are out of ballance or a broken 
belt in one them? And is the vibration in the steering or the seat? This can 
help determine if it's in the front or rear.
Kevin Andrews
68 TR-250(CD7766L)
Siler City NC

From:   Jean-Paul Lacroix[]
Sent:   Sunday, September 29, 1996 7:29 AM
Subject:        Bad Vibrations

Hello fellow listers,

Wanted to share my recent experience with you all.  My 1973 TR6 recently
developed a wicked shudder/vibration.  It doesn,t increase/decrease with
engine RPM although  it's severity/volume increases with road speed.  My
initial thought was a bad U joint (all 6 on the car are original).  Upon
inspection, all U joints appeared tight & solid.  One was less tight than
the rest, so I replaced it (driver side outboard).  The vibration
persisted.  The local British car mechanic was called upon to render his
opinion.  He was of the opinion that both U joints on the drive shaft
should be replaced as well as having the assembly sent out to be balanced.
I puchased the required parts and hoisted the car up onto jack stands.  The
exhaust system covers the driveshaft making removal necessary to reach the
driveshaft.  However, my exhaust system is corroded and will not separate.
Thinking that there's more than one way to skin this cat...I proceeded to
tear out my entire interior and tranny tunnel cover to remove the
driveshaft up through the cars interior. waste of
time/effort.  There is just not quite enough clearance for the assembly to
get past the flange on the transmission.  I spent the rest of the afternoon
re-assembling the interior of my car.  So now it sits... perched on stands
up in the air with it's driveshaft unbolted from both transmission &
differential but sitting in the tunnel mocking me.  On monday (SUNDAY
RESERVED FOR FOOTBALL) I will try heating up exhaust pipes with borrowed
oxy/acetalyne torch to break it free.  If that doesn't work, I suppose I'll
have to cut the pipes and replace with new front sections after I
re-install the renovated driveshaft.

All this to say...driveshaft won't come out of car through the interior
with the transmission in place.  Don't waste your time trying.

P.S. I have a non-OD type tranny.  Not certain if above applys to overdrive

1973 TR6

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