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Re: Rovers and bushes

To:, (Joe Merone)
Subject: Re: Rovers and bushes
From: "Peter Mchugh" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 96 16:43:47 EST
     Go uprated rubber...costs the same...but improves performance.
     73 TR-6
     72 GT-6
     69 GT-6+ (2)

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Subject: Rovers and bushes
Author: (Joe Merone) at smtpgate
Date:    9/25/96 2:19 PM

Actually the "Rover Guys" at the British Invasion are a welcome sight in a 
weird sort of way.  After the quiet civility of the rest of the British car 
world these guys lend a little pleasant diversion to the proceedings.  Kind 
of like your outrageous brother in law who only comes to family functions at 
Christmas.  The roofs of the Rovers are packed with supplies, hammocks strung 
between them, and pulsating rock balances out the chamber music piped over 
the field's sound system.  The dirtier the better as far as they're 
concerned.  Did you see the one fitted out to work the farm fields with over 
360,000 miles on it?  The best part is seeing one of those beasts from out of 
the bush and their hung over occupants parked next to the new $70,000 model 
complete with debutants who look like they overran the Banana Republic store 
on the way to the show.  The only down side was that the whole line of them 
was backed up to us TR6'ers so our view was slightly impared.
Speaking of bushes... It's time to change the trailing arm bushes and 
differential mounts on "Trevor" before the end of the season.  What's the 
groups opinion on the different types of bushes available.  Standard or 
uprated rubber? Perhaps one of the poly/nylons exotics?  It seems that the 
originals did a pretty good job for 22 years so why go to anything more than 
perhaps the uprated rubber?  Comments are welcome please.
Joe Merone
'74 TR6
CF 18928 

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