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More GT6 Insanity

To: "" <> (Return requested)
Subject: More GT6 Insanity
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Date: 24 Sep 1996 09:44:15 -0500
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X400-content-type: P2-1988 ( 22 )
X400-mts-identifier: [/c=US/admd=MCI/prmd=Honeywell/; 04CB73247F3BFC1C-HW-MTA-MN]
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   Several weeks ago I bombed the list with an overly long message about how 
my malfunctioning brain was telling me that I absolutely needed a GT6. 
 Well. . . .  On a recent business/vacation trip to Phoenix I found what I 
was looking for ('67 Mark 1) and made a deal to buy it.
   My question for the group today: Should I fly down there and drive the 
car back to Minneapolis (2K? miles) or should I somehow try to arrange 
shipping?  My inclination is to go for the former, just because I've always 
wanted to do it.
   Some facts: I haven't driven the car.  I was there on business, saw it, 
and made a deal over the phone when I got back here.  (See earlier statement 
re malfunctioning brain.)  Owner says he's been using it as a daily driver 
and it passed AZ emissions.  Vibration over 60 mph.  (My guess is tires or 
bad U-joints.  Note: no roto-flex on Mark 1.)
   Any advice or insights appreciated.

 -- Andy Lindberg (not related to that other Andy that likes swing axle cars)

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