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Spit Stuff

Subject: Spit Stuff
From: (Tom Omalley)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:44:00 -0640
Organization: Channel 1(R) 617-864-0100 Info
>After installing a radiator from a 1972 Vega and an after market
>electric fan, new fuses, several light bulbs, installing windscreen
>wipers, tying...

Achtt!  A *Vega* radiator??  Help!!.....DPO Police!

>down the battery, using 3 rolls of duct tape and a roll of Saran Wrap
>to repair the top, and fumigating the interior (to get rid of some

Genuine Saran Wrap<tm> and not that generic bargain brand?  Okay...I
take back what I said above. You're OK in my book. :-)

>gears smoothly sliding into mesh. Again I let out the clutch only to be
>rewarded with the aforementioned screeching and gnashing of gears. This
>brings me to the first point of my long winded discourse, WHERE THE
>reverse has a lockout and I dutifully lifted up on the shifter while

If your car has the original tranny then you pull the shifter *up* from
the neutral position and shift to 3rd.  Earlier Spits were *down* and
towards 1st.  Spits with Vega transmission conversions would be side-
ways and....sorry. :-)

BTW...I have a tranny such as yours apart on my workbench right now.
It's from my '76 parts car and I'm rebuilding it with the intention
of putting it in my '74 Spit.  Apart from worn syncros, the only
of wear I've found is the many chipped teeth on the reverse gears.
They're bad enough that I've ordered replacements to the tune of
$150. <sigh>   Hope this is *not* your problem.

>Another question, after spending several hours with the Haynes book and
>dutifully inspecting the area that they suggested, WHERE THE HECK IS
>THE TURN SIGNAL FLASHER??????? Haynes says next to the fuse

Should be mounted behind the driver's instrument cluster.

>And as long as I have exposed my ignorance, I noticed that the left
>rear wheel has a signifigant list to port ( a noticeable negative
>camber Can any of you give me a clue ?????

Well....this is typically a cumulative problem.  A weak rear spring,
worn rear bushings, bearings all can contribute.  The factory calls
for 0 to -2 degrrees camber, so *some* Spit Squat is acceptable and
even desirable.

If you feel it's excessive, post back and we'll give you details on
how to chase this.

Regards...Tom O'Malley
'74, '78 Spits

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