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1147 update AND: "What kind of paint....?"

Subject: 1147 update AND: "What kind of paint....?"
From: Peter Ficklin <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 17:37:16 -0700
Organization: FICKLIN Vineyards
Well, I just took the day off today, and re-assembled my 1147 motor.  Finally 
:-)  It 
was a pleasure, something I'd been looking forward to for several weeks.  I let 
answering machine get the phone, and just took my time.  Everything went 
together well, 
no problem, except when I tried to turn the engine to adjust the valves (boy, 
is it hard 
to turn... oops, gotta take those spark plugs out; well, at least I know it's 
got ** 
COMPRESSION **)  Now, where did I stash that MK II header I found at a local 
shop a year ago???  Hmmm....  (background noises of digging through boxes & 
junk.. , some swearing...) Ah, there it is!  Good grief, does this thing need 
to be 
re-finished or what?  Oh well, let's just hang it on the side to see what it 
like...  WOW!   I can hear it run already...   Now for *THE QUESTION*....

  What kind of paint do you all reccccommmend (did I get enough c's & m's in 
it?) to 
refinish a factory MK II Spit header?  I've perused the spray cans at the NAPA 
store & 
PEP BOYS, but most of the high heat finishs require some sort of high 
temperature curing 
within 12 to 24 hours of painting...  This motor won't be run right away, so I 
need to 
figure something out.  I'm willing to listen, I'm wanting to listen, I'm waitng 

  Any advice appreciated.  Thanks

Peter Ficklin
Fresno, Ca  (British Car show this weekend... small, but fun, right here in 
1/2 '64 Spit done, 1/2 '64 Spit waiting....

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