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RE: TR250 shifter

Subject: RE: TR250 shifter
From: (Peter Juergens)
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 96 10:00 +0100
You wrote:

<        Im trying to put my shifter back together so that I have reverse.
<The Bently manuel shows adusters on either side but I just have one bolt
<going all the way through from left to right and then a very short bolt in
<the back side.
<        I had reverse until I took the big bolt out.  Is what i have stock?
<I tried having the shifter in different gears when I put the bolt back
<with no luck.


Hi Chris,

you have got the old fashioned one, which was built in at least up to TR4A.

Might be itīs also stock even on a TR250.
Anyway like you said it worked before, so itīll work now too.
At the shifters bottom theres a short hole, normally "filled" with a spring and 
ball, their to prevent shifter rattling.
>Did you leave those at the selectors? They may jam !
Else try:
Put a huge Screwdriver (not that!) instead of the shifter into the selectors 
try to change gears. Probably youīve to step on clutch or wobble the car a bit, 
if the gearteeth will not align.
Assuming that works, youīll have no trouble with the shifter.

!!One problem!!     [Only maybe]

Anyway I will post this alone too.

In the nower days itīs quite common to interchange transmissions.
The problem is: There is quite a big difference between 4- and 6-cylinder 
transmissions, although they look same.
The pivot on front of the input shaft is the small/big difference.
On 4 cyl. gearboxes itīs long (approx. 1">2"?)...
On 6 cyl. g...            much shorter (think below 1")...
The crank of the 6īs is bored deep enough only for the short type of shaft!!

So what happens is: the longer In-shaft puts pressure onto the crank in (I 
think)lateral direction. This is directly transferred to your Thrust washers!

The end!!! Engine is ruined within some hundred mls!

Donīt worry Chris, itīs also possible that they used the old top cover up to 
TR250 or even TR6, maybe someone only changed topcover.
Try look for the gearbox # to be sure.
On the other hand, suppose youīve driven the car for along time before, the 
should have been occured allready. (Ooh Boy what a grammar problem for me)

Confused enough, Chris?
Anyway, think you get it fixed.


Peter Juergens
ī62 TR4 daily

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