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Re: TR4 Compression ratio (still)

To: "" <>, Triumph Mail List <>
Subject: Re: TR4 Compression ratio (still)
From: David Rupert <75701.242@CompuServe.COM>
Date: 03 Sep 96 16:36:53 EDT

Okay, I think I know where I'm going.  One last question, and I'll get out of
your hair.  The Comp/Prep Manual states that the uprated cams will give poor
performance below 3000 rpm unless the compression is raised to at least 10.
That's why my goal is to stay at or slightly below this number.  How true is
this comment?  If my compression is at 9.5, will the engine be only mildly
BTW, talked to Ken Gillanders at BF&E.  He talked me out of the Webers, said he
gets 4 1/2 more horsepower on SUs than he ever got from Webers, and low-end
torque is better besides.  He wouldn't even sell them to me when I asked for a
price! You gotta appreciate that.  

David Rupert
1967 TR4A (rigid axle)
1980 TR7 convertible

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