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Clatter Clatter (TR6 valves)

Subject: Clatter Clatter (TR6 valves)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 11:33:05 PST
     A while back I sent a plea for help on getting the valves on my newly 
     reconditioned TR6 head to quiet down. It seemed that no matter how 
     much I adjusted them they were still noisy.
     I've solved the problem, thanks to a lister's suggestion, and would 
     like to share it with others. Actually, it's pretty simple but 
     something to look out for.
     My '74 TR6 has 115,000 miles on it and the problem turned out to be 
     cupped rocker arms. Where the rocker arm contacts the top of the valve 
     stem there is a depression or cup due to wear, varying on each arm 
     from nearly nothing to as much as .04" or .05". Obviously, trying to 
     adjust the gap with a flat feeler gauge won't work because the gap 
     will be way too big in most cases. One lister, I believe it was Roger 
     Bolick, says he uses a very narrow feeler gauge (about 3/8" wide) to 
     slip into the area where the cupping has occurred and get a more 
     accurate measurement. I don't have a gauge like that so I found a 
     rocker that wasn't too badly worn, adjusted it, then rocked it up and 
     down to get a feel for what the others should feel like. Then I 
     adjusted them by eye and ear until they all felt like the good one. 
     Not super accurate but better than before.
     So Roger, you get the cigar! Thanks for the help and thanks also to 
     Nick in Nor Cal for suggestions and for taking the time to answer. I 
     hope this helps others with similar problems.
     '74 TR6 CF20076U

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