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Results RE: TR6 Brake Master Cylinder: Rust

Subject: Results RE: TR6 Brake Master Cylinder: Rust
From: Murry J Mercier <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 13:48:20 -0500 (EST)
     Thanks to all who responded. The following summarizes the advice 
     offered and actions being taken as a result:
     MC: Found core which is on way to White Post Restorations for 
     rebuild... cost of core + rebuild about same as 'new' MC from TRF thus 
     did not have to order 'new' one... consensus was that I should not 
     hesitate ordering from major suppliers (especially positive on TRF).
     DOT5: Responses were positive ("...I suspect with DOT5 the hydraulics 
     will NEVER wear out..." to negative (expensive... may concentrate 
     water where you don't want it... hard to bleed... ).  Consensus: if 
     its in system (?) continue to use. Use a water-mix test to verify that 
     it is in fact DOT5 in the system... which I will do.
     Rust Proofers:  All negative!  Some good suggestions which I will 
     follow. (keep drains open... inspect all areas for water trapped 
     between undercoat and valuable metal...)
     Rust in fuel tank: While waiting for MC sent tank out for cleaning, 
     testing and sealing under advice of local TR guy to avoid a future 
     Hope this may help other new TR, dare I say, 'Scions'...(?)
     Oh, by the way, I have said what I think are three "Hail Giovanni 
     Michelottis" for the 'BRG MG' reference as suggested by Andy Mace.
     Murry Mercier
     73 TR6/CC10027U

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