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Re: "Smog Check Phase II" in California, USA<9608281910.AA02318@shiseis.

Subject: Re: "Smog Check Phase II" in California, USA<>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 08:58:26 +0000 (GMT)
>FACT: The vehicles will be labeled "gross polluters" by the EPA then
>confiscated and supposedly crushed. The objective of the EPA is to
>remove approximately 75% of the vehicles now in use in California during the
>next five years.

They'd have to shoot ME before they took my car......:-S (Aggressive smiley)

>FACT: The long range goal of the EPA is to allow only vehicles four years
>old and newer to be operated in the State of California. The rest of the
>United States will then be expected to follow suit a short time later.

You lot are in the sh*t if that happens!!!

>Wake up, America.

Don't people realise that the people trying to pass these laws usually(Like the
head of the SMMT(Society of Motor manufacturers and traders) in England who is
the boss of Toyota UK) have a vested interested in NEW cars....Also, the energy
required to build a NEW car is about 75% of the energy that the car will EVER
use itself, ie, the remaining 25% is actually used by the car on the road, so
therefore it is obviously more beneficial to keep existing cars running and
prevent the manufacture of new cars on the grounds of causing pollution. 
Phewwwww, I can take a breath now!

What do you all think.

Bye Bye


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