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Re: TR - Borg&Beck clutch?

Subject: Re: TR - Borg&Beck clutch?
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 20:48:10 -0400

You ask about Borg & Beck clutches...

Well here we go with another OPINION...
The B&B units have always held up to more abuse from me, especially the
discs, than the Laycock units. The Pressure plate is also lighter than the
Laycock unit, and easier to balance because of the "nooks and crannies" on
it, opposed to the Laycock unit which presents a smooth surface. I mention
this because you will of coarse be balancing the pressure plate, won't you ?
 Even if you have not balanced your engine, it is a good idea to balance the
pressure plate. Why put something on your engine which could actually
decrease its longevity ? Balancing the pressure plate is fairly easy, any
speed shop should be able to handle it for you, and it is not that terribly
expensive. Some pressure plates I have seen were pretty badly out.

In regards to the "heavy duty" setup-
Remember that old law of physics, "for every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction", or something close to that. When you get a "heavy duty"
clutch setup, one of the things that makes it a heavy duty unit is increased
spring pressure in the pressure plate. Now we get to the litany of
"reactions" to this increased pressure:
    1-You have to press harder on the clutch peddle - more wear and tear on
the leg muscle in traffic.
    2-Got a questionable master/slave cylinder ? This will test it for you.
Does it get dark and/or rain where you live ? That's the time one will fail.
    3-What do you think makes all those puny clutch fork pins break?
    4-I've been lookin for a TR6 block for some time now, and one of the
reasons they are gettin scarce is because the thrust washers have failed and
the crank wears right into the block. All the excess pressure that you are
puttin into that clutch peddle all pushes forward and is stopped by those
poor little thrust washers.
Wanna guess what effect an extra 30 or 40 pounds of tension in the pressure
plate is gonna do to them ?

<soapbox mode off now>

Just my thoughts, I'm sure you'll get other replies and you can go with the
best and make up your own mind.
Feeling a little stiff myself...
             Nick in Nor Cal

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