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Re: TR - Borg&Beck clutch?

Subject: Re: TR - Borg&Beck clutch?
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 12:36:36 -0500 (CDT)

With reguard to your question about TR6 clutchs....
About a year ago I learned a hard lesson about after-market clutchs from VB.
I replaced a clutch in my 76 TR6 which was only about a year and several
thousand mile old (installed by PO).  I got a Quinton HZL clutch kit from
VB....It only lasted a few months and about 1,500 miles before it developed the
same problem as the clutch I had just replace (i.e., would not disengage - 
and yes all hydrolics were good).  This time I got a Laylock "A".  Everything
has worked great since!  I learned not to go for cheap part - particularly on
a critical system!!!!!  

Although this does not answer your original query about the Borg & Beck
clutch,  I can say the Laylock has worked well, and the Quinton is complete
shit. (I will point out that upon closer inspection I found that the clutch I
had orginally replaced was also a Quinton!) 

Hope things work out, and if you go with the Borg&Beck I'd like to know you
opinion about it.

Mike Morelli
Houston, TX
W: 713.483.1447
H: 713.532.1646

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