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Re: TR6 brake light switch

Subject: Re: TR6 brake light switch
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 07:16:09 -0400
Organization: Lockheed Sanders, Inc.
References: <> wrote:

> SJ>I appear to have a hydrolic leak at the brake light switch. Big deal?
> SJ>thanks Scott

> No big deal, replace the switch, should be a standard 3/8 fine thread
> fitting. Available off the shelf from most any parts store.

At a recent impromptu tech session while standing in the TRF booth at
the VTR convention, somebody there explained that the hydraulic fluid
shouldn't even get as far as the electrical switch in the first place,
and that if it was, then there was already a leak further down in the
system.  Even though a new switch would temporarily "fix" the problem,
it would quickly come back, since the offending seal in the PDWA housing
itself would not have been replaced.

I can't recall the specifics of the conversation, but
from the quickly sketched diagrams that were drawn at the time, it made
sense to me.  Can anybody else out there shed more light on this?

'74 TR6 Daily Driver

Kenneth B. Streeter         | EMAIL:
Sanders, PTP2-A001          | 
PO Box 868                  | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Nashua, NH 03061            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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