Fellow Motorheads,
Andy's ad hoc repair at Quadfest reminded me that many moons ago when I
had a 69 Spitfire and similar rough-running problems, more than once my
points were cleaned up by dragging a small doubled-over piece of 400 grit
wet/dry paper between them, cleaning them with a damp handkerchief, and
then re-gapping them using a paper matchbook cover as the gauge, which is
very near 0.015" thick. It's also soft enough that any remaining `peaks'
on the point faces don't result in a too-wide gap setting. Performing
this little ritual got me home on more than one dark & stormy night.
Thanks, Andy, for jogging my memory, I just remember that taking the car
to a proper garage for a tune-up was at the time out of the question, as
I was making minimum wage at the Dayton Airport parking lot, as a valet /
cashier; $1.75 per hour. Geez, how many years ago was THAT ?
Tom Tweed
SW Ohio