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Re: Timing

To: "" <> (Return requested), "" <> (Return requested), "" <> (Return requested)
Subject: Re: Timing
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Date: 22 Aug 1996 11:45:34 -0500
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"Set the ignition point gap to the manufacturer's specs using a feeler 
guage, or set the dwell using an electronic meter. The feeler guage only 
works with new points; if the points are at all pitted or worn the feeler 
guage will give the wrong reading. You'll need to either get new points, 
clean up the old ones with an ignition file, or use the dwell meter."  -john

I drove my TR3 from Minneapolis to LaCrosse, Wisconsin last Friday. 
 (150-200 miles.  Went to attend Quadfest.  Very nice event, you should have 
been there.)  The car was stumbling at steady speeds, between 2K and 3K on 
the tach.  At the hotel, a friend and I opened up the distributor and found 
an almost non-existent point gap.  He set it using a piece of cardboard. 
 Car ran perfectly all weekend and on the trip back.

Andy Lindberg
TR3 in Minnesota

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