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Re: '67 TR4A restoration

To: Doug McNabb <>
Subject: Re: '67 TR4A restoration
From: Sholtes IV <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 15:46:35 -0700
References: <>

     Another alternative is to get the car drivable and enjoy
it for a while first. With my TR 250, I immediately dove into
restoration and consequently have never really driven it (other
than to home) in the years I've owned it. I should be done some
time next summer (yeah right). if all goes as planned.
     This advice should be heeded particularly if you have prob-
blems (as I do) with direction and concetration working on long
projects, like years long. It can be tough, booring, and seem like
punishment at times, but as each step brings me nearer to completion
it starts to almost feel worth it. The emmotion derived from a 
large scale restoration is greater than that of a patch-up, though.
     I relate all this not to intimidate you, but to inform you.
I'm sure that if you do become discouraged you can just come to
the list here for a quick re-charge of enthusiasm. I do.

                     JOE IV
                     TR 250

P.S. Rik s. had many excellent ideas, especially stressing photo-
     documentation of every step.

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