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More on tightening wire wheels

To: "Kevin(?)" <>
Subject: More on tightening wire wheels
From: John Bertsche <103136.3056@CompuServe.COM>
Date: 17 Aug 96 15:53:41 EDT
Cc: all <>

I'm afraid your theory is wrong. The "tightening" direction is OPPOSITE the
forward movement of the wheel, not the same. The "undo" arrow is always rotating
in the same direction as the forward rotation of the wheel. 

Were your inertia-based theory correct, hard braking would quickly loosen the

I've also heard several first hand accounts that support my point of view,
including these-

1)An acquaintance had his Triumph towed to a repair shop (imagine that!) by a
tow truck that lifted the rear wheels and pulled the car backwards on its front
wheels. After several miles, one or both (I can't remember) of  the front wheels
came off completely.

2)Another acquaintance who is now a british car veteran related a tale of his
first experience with wire wheels, when he mistakenly installed wire wheel
adaptors on the wrong side/s of the car. At 70 mph both front wheels came off
simultaneously, and the car slid to a smoking, sparking stop. 

I've heard a lot of ideas about this issue but no one really seems to have
gotten to the heart of the matter. 


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