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RE: Overdrive shifting

To: "'J.C. Hassall'" <>
Subject: RE: Overdrive shifting
From: Chris and Karen Prugh <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 15:29:34 -0700
Cc: "'British Car List'" <>, "'Charlie Brown'" <>, "'Triumph List'" <>
Eight times?  I thought the O/D wasn't supposed to be engaged in first or 
I suppose I could, especially since I had to bypass the reverse/1std lockout 
switch (for some reason the circuit was open in third and fourth, closed in 
first second and reverse, when I leave that switch in the circuit.  Most likely 
something amiss in the shifter/linkage!

Chris "hey slow down" Prugh

From:   J.C. Hassall[]
Sent:   Friday, August 16, 1996 1:54 AM
Subject:        Re: Overdrive shifting

At 03:42 PM 8/15/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>       (Notice the big smile on my face).  The overdrive, she is a working, and
Oh how sweeet it IS !
>(to be read in your best Jackie Gleason).  Now, just one more
question.....when shifting into high 3rd 
>or high 4th, Am I supposed the be depressing the clutch?  I notice a small
lurch as the O/D kicks in
>and I wonder if I should be disengaging the clutch during this..... Still,
it's so cool to be doing 85 and taching under 5000.   
Nope.  Just leave the "pedal to the metal" and shift!  I used to race with
an OD; never clutched before engaging the OD, and it ran like a charm for
years. Of course it is easier on the OD if you release a bit of gas before
shifting, but not necessary to use the clutch.

OTOH, I used to have fun with people's minds by "shifting" 8 times!  Was fun
to watch people as they realized that I'd gone thru more than 4 gears.
(That was in a street car.)

Be careful downshifting, tho.  Don't want to over-rev the engine.  

Happy cruising.

J.C. Hassall

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