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BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [Alan.McEachran@corp.anixter

Subject: BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from []
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 03:15:35 -0400

     Date: Thu, 15 Aug 96 13:16:05 csd
     Subject: How to evaluate a TR6 that's been sleeping a long long time

I have an opportunity to take a look at a 71 TR6 that's been put away 
( notice I didn't say stored) for about 5 years.  The seller claims 
marriage, kids, job, etc., were to blame but also readily admits that 
he lost interest.  The car has 61K mi on it.  Before storage the car 
had the transmission rebuit,J-type overdrive (by a TR shop), a engine 
rebuild (less than 6 hrs on it), and 150 miles on a new clutch.  

The car hasn't run in 5 years however, and probably won't be doing so 
when viewed as it is stored out of town and as stated they guy just 
can't be bothered anymore.  I know that the price is attractive but 
the deal would be risky given the situation.

Any suggestions on how to approach this one to minimize the risk.  I 
can check all the static stuff that doesn't require electicity or 
internal combustion to work.  I expect the electrical system and the 
brakes to be rough, but what to do about the engine, drivetrain, 
suspension?  I know this probably isn't a unique situation for 
seasoned Triumph people but it is for me, and I need help to assess if 
this is a keeper or not.  

I have no intention of clogging the list so contact me directly.  I 
promise I'll condense, edit and send the results to the group.


Welcoming suggestions and an onslaught of email.


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