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RE: that was wrong with my flashers

To: Triumph List <>
Subject: RE: that was wrong with my flashers
From: Bruce Krobusek <74106.1335@CompuServe.COM>
Date: 15 Aug 96 07:45:32 EDT
AN>This is perhaps a dumb question, but what's the best way to clean electrical
AN>connections?  Sandpaper?  Steel wool?  Erasers?

I got as far as Tony's first sentence:

" My favorite method of cleaning bulb sockets is a 12 gauge shot gun"

and thought "That seems awful drastic, especially since J. Lucas is
already dead!     :-)

     - BAK -

      Bruce A. Krobusek
        Rochester   NY
       CIS: 74106,1335
          '83 R80RT
      '72 TR6  CC75665LO

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