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Re: TRF Party Kudos

Subject: Re: TRF Party Kudos
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 00:15:03 -0400
Fellow SOL's-

If you missed the TRF Summer Party, you missed a good time.

The weather was cooperative and the attendance better  than expected. The
"opening" of the Coventry Inn was especially eventful, as Charles has looked
forward to that day for many years. I understand that a "Grand Opening" is
scheduled for a later date.

If you have considered attending the Summer Party but have not done so,
please consider it for your future plans. Congrats to Charles, John and
others at TRF and best wishes in the future for the Coventry Inn.

Steve Thornton
Bowling Green, KY
1962 TR3B
1971 TR6

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