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Re: "New" TR7 FHC

To: Lawrence Schilling <>
Subject: Re: "New" TR7 FHC
From: Michael Marr <>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 17:27:04 -0700
Cc: Triumph List <>
References: <>
Lawrence Schilling wrote:
> Me too!!
> Front Half Crashed?
> Full Halucinogenic Coma?
> F--cking Horrible Condition?
> At 04:24 PM 8/14/96 -0400, you wrote:
> >Hey Bruce,
> >
> >       I'm very confused.  First what is FHC?  Second, are you telling me 
> >are dealers out there that have Triumphs from over 15 years ago that have
> >never left the showroom floor.  How is this possible?
> >
> >Later,
> >
> >

FHC=Fixed Head Coupe
DHC=Drop Head Coupe

A DHC is a roadster with wind up windows.  Strictly speaking, a roadster 
is not a roadster if it has wind-up windows, it is a DHC.  So there!

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