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Re: TR6 rear hubs

Subject: Re: TR6 rear hubs
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 20:48:59 -0400
You ask about using anti-sieze on the rear hubs...

My OPINION follows-
Whenever I have seen an axle break at the hub taper area, or a hub itself
crack ( and there have been a few of each in my life), it has been because
the hub had been "working" on the taper. The only way this can happen is
because the hub was loose, or the fit was not perfectly tight. The trick that
I have used which has vastly reduced the breakage is to lapp the hub to the
axle taper. This can be done with valve lapping compound.  Merely remove the
key, slobber it up with compound, and keep turning the hub back and forth
till both take on a uniform dull finish. Clean up the compound and assemble
them without any lubrication between them. Anything that allows the assembled
joint to move, will only lead to embarrasing moments on the road.

Sometimes KY just isn't the answer...
          Nick in Nor Cal

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