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Re: Follow up: Spitfire coil

To: "Brent Martin" <>, "triumph" <>
Subject: Re: Follow up: Spitfire coil
From: John Matthews <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 96 11:15:20 -0800

Just thought I'd jump in here.

The descriptions of ignition circuts you have already are accurate.
If this circut doesn't work you wouldn't be driving to the test site 
Because........... the circut is only complete if both the positive AND 
poles are connected properly.

It is possible for even the most experienced mechanics to make simple 
especially on cars they're not familiar with. Unless you're absouletely 
sure your
car won't pass the smog test (ie. big clouds of smoke comming from the 
go ahead and run it through. If it doesn't pass by a small margin let the 
there fiddle with the settings maybe $60 worth. If it doesn't pass by a 
BIG margin
you probally have something mechanically wrong and it's time to get out 
troubleshooting guide. The folks on the list will be happy to help out 

What I'm saying here is don't let the state intimidate you into buying a 
new Hyundai
just because they don't like old cars. That gross poluter law is headed 
for the courts 
and us classic car folks ain't gonna just roll over and play dead. If you 
do end up in
a battle with the state I'm sure there's at least one lawyer on this list 
who would be 
happy to help you out. WE MAINTAIN OUR CARS!!!!!!! and that's a lot more 
than most
drivers do.

OK, I'll get down off my soap box here. Good luck with your project, and 
hang in there.
It may not be easy, but it'll be worth it when you're crusing down the 
PCH in the car
you fixed up yourself. 


John Matthews
'61 & '65 Heralds

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