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RE: brake hydraulics

Subject: RE: brake hydraulics
From: (James Babcock)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 08:18:12 -0400 (EDT)
Organization: Alcatel Data Networks
Phone: (703) 724-2762
>The question is this: Did I commit a terrible mistake by using varsol to
>clean brake parts??? My dad read in some Mazda repair book that using
>petroleum products on brake components is an extremely evil thing to do.
>Peter Zaborski, Calgary AB Canada
>76 TR6 (CF58310)

I wouldn't worry about *cleaning* the metal brake components with
a petroleum product.  You should replace the rubber bits though...they
are really cheap considering the part that they play in your vehicle's
safety.  Keep the petroleum products off the rubber since they will
break it down.  This happened to my grandmother's Buick...someone
put oil in the master cylinder.  The rubber seals broke down, and
her brakes failed catastrophically.  Luckily, she was stopped on an
incline and just rolled backward through a restaurant window.  Nobody
was hurt.

'80 TR7 dhc
James A. Babcock, Software Engineer    email:
Alcatel Data Networks                    WWW:
Ashburn, Virginia          personal web page:
                  Give blood -- it's a great feeling!!!

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