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Re[2]: The Elusive TR6 Motor

Subject: Re[2]: The Elusive TR6 Motor
From: "Jim Sudduth" <>
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 96 14:27:36 PST
     Ah ha! Body Snatchers! Don't go to sleep...

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Subject: re: The Elusive TR6 Motor
Author: at SMTPCC3
Date:    8/2/96 12:32 PM

Nick writes:
>Two sides of one theory come to mind. The East Coast has a large Triumph 
>Attracting monolith buried there, or I personally, am a Triumph repelling 
>avatar !...  What happens to all the West Coast TR's ?
Looks like Nick has discovered our plot.  Yes, Nick, it's a conspiracy 
by us East Coast SOL'ers.  Since all the cars here rust out quickly, we 
needed an easy way to get rust-free West Coast bodies cheaply.  The 
method we've come up with is to buy all the Triumph engines we can get 
our hands on.  Then when you West Coasters need an engine, you can't
find one and end up selling the car as a "roller".  One of us East Coasters 
buys it, drops in an engine from our stockpile, and motors happily onward.
Dave Williamson  (  Spits in bits
Of course, every so often we get an obstinate owner like you who 
doesn't know when to give up. ;-) ;-) ;-)

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