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Re: HELP on TR3 rear end

Subject: Re: HELP on TR3 rear end
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 20:22:15 -0400
You ask about a case spreader for the diff unit on your TR3...

There are any number of case spreaders made that are "universal" enough to
work on your TR. Check a "good" quality tool shop in your area, or a snap-on
dealer. The easy way to find one that will fit is to take a diff cover gasket
with you. The tool should be adjustable enough to fit over 4 holes, two on
either side of the unit on either side of the axle tubes. The tool is bolted
to these four bolt holes and "screwed" apart by an attached large bolt
between the halves, (one half bolted to the housing on either side).
If you really can't find a tool, you could make do with two pieces of angle
iron bolted to the sides of the housing, and a small bottle jack inserted
between the angle iron. The case will spread with a lot less force than you
would think, and the gear assembly will come out when the case is spread just
a small amount.

with a case of rear end spread myself...
         Nick in Nor Cal

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