I wrote,
> The rear-end on the GT6 in the junkyard just doesn't want to come out. It
>>>but I can't get it. Here is what I did.
>>> Disconnected and dropped the prop shaft. (anyone need it?)
>>> Removed the 4 bolts on the axles near the diff on both sides
>>> of the car. One axle moved away, but the other seems to be stuck to
>>> the rear end mounts.
>>> Removed that nearly foot long bolt holding the rear-end in place.
>>> Removed the six nuts on top of the leaf spring.
>>> Removed the 2 nuts holding the front of the rear-end in place.
> The consensus of the group seems to be that I didn't apply enough 'brute'
>force. The earred part of the diff that goes into the u-shaped channels has
>a tendency to get sort of pinched in place.
S U C C E S S !
I returned Sat.AM imagining that someone had beat me to it and walked off
with my prize. It was still there. Here is how the situation was resolved.
I threaded the six nuts back on the studs on the top of the diff that
were exposed through the cut-out opening in the trunk area.( the ones that
bond together the leaf spring and the diff) Made sure the tops of the nuts
were flush with the tops of the studs. Put a two by four that I had
previously cut that would fit through the opening on top of the stud/nuts
and began to wail away with a hammer. Not much luck with that lame attempt,
or so I thought. I then took my crow bar and with the curved claw end
hooked underneath the plate that rests on top of the leaf spring and pulled
upward. (the plate seemed stuck or rusted to the leaf spring) The plate
popped loose and after taking back off the six nuts the plate came off. I
then positioned the diff back in the center as it was now binding against
the leaf spring. I heard a thud as the entire assembly dropped into the hot
and soft Florida sand, no worse for the wear.
As I was working up a sweat doing this some local was passing by and said,
'sure do like the style of those Datsun Z's ' DUH .. IMHO the GT6 has got
to be one of the best looking cars to ever come from the UK.
I took my prize up to pay for it after retriving other goodies and was
charged twenty-five dollars for the entire differential !. The person was
supposed to charge 29.99 plus 10.00 for the core, but they were confused
because it only looked like half a differential.
Things that really helped during the transmission and differtial ordeal was
to soak the areas well with a penetrating type oil (I use the product 'PB
and a set of those open-end wrenches - the head part only that attaches to a
socket set ratchet. Those worked well for getting into the tight spots and
having to apply a lot of leverage.
Thanks for all the help !
71 Bond Equipe