"Scott W. Paisley" writes:
>Ok, I give up. I have got the weirdest problem. When I come to a
>stop and hit the throttle, the car dies. If I tap the throttle
>a couple of times quickly, it coughs (just a tiny bit) and then it's
>fine to accelerate. This will not happen if I leave the choke just
>a bit out. (So that the idle is a bit fast as it's on the cams.)
I'll bet (a lot) on timing too retarded. The choke will keep it
off the lowest idle speed, and the vacuum retard only comes into play at
very low idle settings. It will idle (somewhat poorly) with too much retard,
but when you open the throttles it will want to stall before the timing
can advance back to normal. I had this problem after doing a carb rebuild
(and attempted static timing); I just advanced the timing until it was
happy. (This is a '70 with vacuum advance and retard.)
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
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Exon food: <offensive words censored by order of the Senate>