O' Faithful Ones;
The TR-6 Differential Saga continues. Thanks to fellow listers advise I
decided to call a local welder to box in my rear diff mounts with his trusty
truck mounted arc welder.
It was AWESOME! Huge diesel rig pulled up to my humble garage with a 50 amp
mother of arc welding set up that made short work of this gig. Sparks flew,
cool fumes of every description invaded all the townhomes in my building, and
beer was consumed at job's end! The guy reminded me of a greaser dude from
high school auto shop. Kinda cold at first but he got friendlier as I helped
move exhaust pipes out of the way, hand him tools, & try not to ask too many
dumb questions, etc...
So, I'm painting and undercoating the general area back there and my next
step is to replace the diff's pinion seal. Can anyone tell me the proper
finish for a TR-6 diff? Black? Silver? Mauve? Hopefully I'll be back on the
road(side) soon!
Can you say "Black Snot"?
Cheers and thanks to all: Mike Konopka (74 TR-6)