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THANKS! chip re OD soleniod Question

To: Chip Old <>,
Subject: THANKS! chip re OD soleniod Question
From: (TeriAnn Wakeman)
Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 11:42:43 -0700
Chip, Armed with your suggestions I went out and checked the case to arm
clearence on both sides of the overdrive.  Very close but not touching..

Next I removed the solenoid to check for grunge.  The soleniod is a type
with a separate metal plunger.  It had what looked like old dried grease
and the place there the plunger interlocked with the arm had a bit of
grunge.  I cleaned them and put a thin layer of moly-grease on the side of
the plunger and the interlock & reassembled it.  Works like a champ!
Solenoid kicks in on second, third, fourth but not first or reverse and
drops out between shifts.

These were probably the first places I would have looked anyway, but
without your advice and explination of how things were suposed to work, i
probably would have put it off, like I'm doing to the TWM DCOE linkage or
hoped that oil pressure was supposed to cause the lever to retract.

Many Thnks for your explination of how it was supposed to work and
suggestions for possible problem areas!!!!!!!!!!


Celebrating my tenth year on Usenet/Internet

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