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Re: hi to all. (Scott S)

Subject: Re: hi to all. (Scott S)
From: "Scott D. Sanders" <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 11:08:05 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: Triumph owners list <>

On Tue, 14 May 1996 rgs03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US wrote:

> To Scott Sanders who wrote to introduce himself and apologize for driving
> Datsun 240Z's; Hi Scott, and welcome.
> And don't be apologetic about the 240Z. You will find a number of us
> Triumph owners have owned or still do own Z cars. (I know. I'm one.) 

hi rik, glad to see there's other sinners here...

> Something you may or may not be aware of is the existance of a list, not
> dissimilar to this one, for Datsun Z Cars. You can post to it by writing
> to:

been on it for several years, enjoy it very much, learned a lot, etc. 
like most lists, you can find the hard-core fans who know every little 
thing that is a tremendous help. unfortunately on the z list, there's 
also lots of kids whose first car is a fairly pricey 300zx, and brag 
loudly "my car's better than your car", etc and flame guys who talk about 
sports cars. "i've got electric windows, and i saw a Ferrari once, and it 
was so plain, i couldn't believe it. i think i've got a classic! mine's 
so pretty, and i have the best stereo in school."  mental midgets will 
always abound.

> In anycase, welcome to the Triumphs list and back into the lbc fold.
> After Delores gets her lbc, you need to work on getting one for you.
> Can't let her have *all* the fun.

ummm, i am a genuine poor boy in recent years, mother nature keeps 
truncating my paycheck... but i shall be involved with delore's if it 
happens.. thanx

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