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Re: TR6 engine

Subject: Re: TR6 engine
From: "Carl Musson (EVENTS)" <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 00:55:56 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: Triumphs List <>
Nick - for your info - Joe has now moved into new headquarters that remain
high and dry during the periodic downpours we receive here in "sunny"
Florida.  I was sorry to hear that he wasn't able to help you on that
elusive engine. I know that he would have rather sent an engine off to you
than to cart it the mile to his new shop. 

Joe started out as a mechanic working for an lbc repair shop and found
that people were coming to him instead of his boss.  When the boss decided
he had had enough, he basically took over a losing business and turned it
into one that is "the" place to go for lbc repairs in Tampa (in about 4
years). He has no qualms with letting you come and work on your car (if he
has space available) and answer any questions you might have.  He has a
small cache of parts and if there is anyone else out there that might be
looking for something, send him an e-mail at or call at
813-996-1500. (He doesn't get on the computer much so the phone may be the
best way to go.)  Let him know you found out about him through the
internet so that maybe he'll be more active on the net... 

Joseph @ Sparrows British Car Shop (I may have the name slightly wrong, it
                                    is just Sparrows to me...)
Land O'Lakes, FL   (North of Tampa about 15 miles)

As always, I have no financial interests in Sparrows other than the strong
desire that "my" local mechanic (6 miles away) stays in business. Other
usual disclaimers apply....

|  CARL F. MUSSON, Coordinator             INTERNET:  |
|            Opinions expressed are mine and not of my employer.          | 

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