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Re: Spit valve cover color

Subject: Re: Spit valve cover color
From: "John W. Hazelton" <>
Date: Sat, 11 May 96 22:02:28 PDT
 Todd Luchette <> writes:

> My 79 was blue when I got it in 1990. I took it down to metal (or
> whatever it's made of) and there was no indication it was every
> any other color.

 I bought my '80 Spit new from the dealer, and it also had a blue
 valve cover.  I'm pretty sure Dan Parslow's '79 has a blue cover
 as well.  If the factory painted them red at some point, it seems 
 that they changed to blue toward the end.

--John Hazelton
  Los Angles, CA, USA

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