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Seasonal Affective Disorder and the LBC

Subject: Seasonal Affective Disorder and the LBC
From: (Philip E. Barnes)
Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 11:04:23 +0100
Jim Sudduth asked about the Winter and coping. It is for this reason
precisely that so many folks move to Florida, Arizona, Texas, etc. from the
Midwest and the East. Winter in central New York is not fun in the
traditional sense, and one must find something to do that can accomodate
the season. Skiing, snowmobiles and plowing snow are all very popular in
these parts from November until April. I enjoy winter. Granted, I can't
drive the TR or work on it, but there is a real thrill to drive fast on ice
and get away with it in a car that is properly set up for winter. I lived
for a while in the L.A. area when I was a kid, some 35 years ago. What I
remember most was the unrelenting sunshine and the lack of rain. How do you
stand it? ;-)

I am very much looking forward to long rides in the country this summer,
with the top down and the sun peeking through the clouds on occasion.

Philip E. Barnes       '71 TR6  CC61193L
Cornell University
Newman Laboratory of Nuclear Studies
Ithaca, NY 14853

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