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Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory)

To: "" <> (Return requested), "" <> (Return requested)
Subject: Re: We're SPOILED! (was Re: The Roadster Factory)
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Date: 09 May 1996 14:11:33 -0500
Alternate-recipient: Allowed
Cc: "" <> (Return requested)
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Priority: normal
X400-content-type: P2-1988 ( 22 )
X400-mts-identifier: [/c=US/admd=MCI/prmd=Honeywell/; 0145F31924365690-HW-MTA-MN]
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I agree with all the nice things you folks have said about our suppliers, 
and I am truly amazed at how many parts I can get so easily for a 36 year 
old car (1960 TR3A).

But why in the heck doesn't somebody make an honest-to-goodness thermostat 
for my car?  You know, one with the little sleeve that covers the by-pass 
tube when the engine warms up.  Are the tooling costs prohibitive?  Isn't 
there a market?  Is it because concours judges never take a cooling system 

Andy Lindberg
TR3 in Minnesota (where, quite frankly, my cooling system has not had much 
of a workout yet this year)

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