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Re: Valve Cover Color

To: Triumphs List <>
Subject: Re: Valve Cover Color
From: "Carl Musson (EVENTS)" <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 15:16:04 -0400 (EDT)
On Thu, 9 May 1996, Andy Mace wrote:

>This is kind of what my Herald 948 saloon looks like bodywise. Basically 
>a yellow car, but at least one "A" post shows Coffee under flaking 
>yellow paint. One door is black, and the current bonnet is a poor BRG 
>repaint over Signal Red. The front splash pan (not currently on the car) 
>is a combination of black with some grey primer.

This is one of those non-sensical threads we could "discover"  

Just how many different "cars" make up yours?

Since I just finished taking everything to metal before painting, I think
I "know" my tr3 intimately...

It had seven layers of paint at the deepest point.  (It was interspersed
with three layers of filler [skim coated mostly].)

Most recent color was a dark (I think TR6) blue (not a TR3 color at all)

body tub was originally brg (7 layers of paint)
rf wing & rdoor were originally red (4 layers)
apron & bonnet were pale blue (2 layers)
rr wing & spare lid were red (6 layers)
lf wing was yellow (4 layers) 
both inner fenders were brg (3 layers) [prob original just not painted]
left door was white (4 layers)
lr wing was brg (2 layers) 

The engine is from an early TR4

So I think I have the makings from 8 cars.  Well, correction... I put a
newer right door and a different spare lid.  Also, I am using a different
windshield frame and dash (metal work) which are probably from the same

This brings the total up to 11 or 12.

And as a final note.  The build records for the car does not match the brg
of the body tub, so it probably had the plate switched at some time.

'58 TR3 - TS25264L  "Definitely not original"  
Finishing on the dash part of the wiring harness tonight (hopefully), 
Tomorrow night the main harness section to the regulator, etc. 
(Left side to Headlights, etc. and rear end are completed)
and then Saturday & Sunday the body parts get put back together. 
Next week I am taking a couple days off to do the interior (still
waiting on seat kit which is bo'd from TRF - Only item bo'd that is
"critical"  Tonneau cover is the other...)

Target "on-the-road" date:    5/19

<sig> Carl.

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