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Trans. tunnel

Subject: Trans. tunnel
From: "Don Aldous" <>
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 14:32:38 -0400
Priority: normal
Jon Moody (BME) wrote:
> My tranny tunnel is shot.  A new one is not in the works - I'm gonna use
> duct tape and cardboard to patch it up and then use duct tape inbetween it
> and the floorpans and bulkhead.  Ain't duct tape great?  Any reason I
> should not do it this way?  Thanks.
> --Jon Moody
Jon: When I bought my TR6, the DPO had used chicken wire and roofing tar 
to do the same thing.  It was a mess and I replaced the mess for less than 
$100 (Canadian) with a fiber tunnel cover from TRF.  Spend a few bucks so 
you can do the job right.  Then you may not be known as a DPO in the 
future.  FWIW
'73 TR6

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