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Re: GT6 tech queries

To: Tony Robinson <aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu>
Subject: Re: GT6 tech queries
From: Scott McGibney <>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 09:24:42 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 29 Mar 1996, Tony Robinson wrote:

> > 
> >

> Scot,
>  The cam in the 250 was almost the same as the 69 GT6, which had the same 
> cam as the TR5. Only difference was about .030 in. more lift.
>  Here are some numbers for a great street cam/ lift: .261, duration: .295 
> degrees, timing, intake and exhaust respectively 391(I) 76(E), Low side 
> 761(I) 39(E). Intake time 108degrees.
>  On the gears,I ran 3:8:9-1 for a couple of years in a 68 non o/d GT6.
> Top end was around 67mph, and the tach was peaked. 
>  I changed out to a 4:1:1 just to play, and the performance was not that 
> different. Biggest difference was that Icould get a hole shot on 
> anything, even motorcycles but, the top end was down to about 58 mph.
>  Right now, I am running 3:2:7, love the road speed but low end 
> performance has gone bye-bye
> Best Regards,
> Tony
> R.
> "GT6s"
> ###

Thanks for the info Tony. That's a lot wilder cam you suggest than most 
of the streetable cam recommendations I've seen - more overlap and 
duration than he BL S-4 that Kastner suggests for a full race prep beast. 
I need some low end grunt - especially if I'm going to be autoxing with 
3:27 gears :-( . How's your torque with it.

Wasn't sure if the 250 cam on this side of the pond was the same as the 
TR5 euro cam - I now take it that this is so. Oh well, back to the arcane 
and somewhat black art of cam selection.

thanks again.


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