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Re: Spitfire battery

Subject: Re: Spitfire battery
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 96 18:51:08 MST
>My Sears DieHard battery is presently held in with a bungee cord because
>its body is too "tall" to allow me to use the stock hold-downs.
>Aside from purchasing a genuine Lucas replica ($$$!), what size and make
>battery--if any--will fit like stock?
>...or should I just purchase some generic brackets at Pep Boys or fabricate
>some of my own?

 I haven't been able to find a generic at Pep Boys.
 I assume you need a hold down bracket which secures at the end instead 
of on the sides, like mine.
 What I did was made (you can buy at Pep Boys) four "J"hooks and threaded 
them. Ground a flat on 1/2 inch angle aluminum and drilled both ends.
 Hook "J" into slot on side of battery box, one going forward, one going 
back on each side. Insert threaded end through hole in angle aluminum and 
secure with nuts and washers.
 You have one pice of angle aluminum front and back of the battery, held 
in place by "J" hook at each end. Angle of aluminum rests on edge of 
battery and you have a decent looking hold down. 
 Boy, I'm not sure that made any sense. Let me know if you don't understand.
Best Regards,

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