A friend gave me a copy of the 'old' Haynes book. Compared to the Bentley,
the Haynes is not worth looking for. The photos are poor and sometimes show
the wrong vintage part. I went throught every nut and bolt on my 74 TR6 last
winter plus totally stripped interior to bare metal. Seldom found the Haynes
of any value.
Speaking of books, the three listed below I have found VERY helpful,
especially to get info on correct color, trim, etc
1. Practical Classics, Triumph TR6 Restoration, Kelsey Publishing, 1992
2. Original Triumph TR the restorer'sguide..., by Bill Piggott, Bay View
VIew, 1991
3. The Triumph TR5/250 and TR6 Companion, by Rossi & Clarke, TRF pub's,1992
All of the above avail. from the "catalog houses" for TR's.
Your second question about floor pan fix. Afraid sounds like a job for the
easy outs, but make sure you give the Liquid Wrench plenty of time to work!
Could also try abit of heat. Concerning floor pan replacement you might
want to take a look at the info supplied in an old issue of Six Pack.
(National TR6 club and newsletter which is great source of owner input and
tricks on restorations.) I could fax copy of two pages showing pattern to
make new section of floor pan and suggestions on riveting it in rather than
welding, unless you have ability to weld it in...(Send me your FAX number is
you would like the floor info)
And now for the input on suppliers, yes it is nice to use local, but doubt
that local has the selection of the three mail order houses. My experience
is similar to others that was shared on a recent thread.
My ranking goes like this:
1. The Roadster Factory (in PA) 1-800-678-8764
2. Moss Motors ( in Goleta, CA) 1-800-235-6954
3. Victoria British (in Kansas) 1-800-255-0088
Not all of the "new" parts are even made in England. Some the parts would
just be TOO
expensive to get made there, and The Roadster Factory and Moss go to a LOT of
work to get these "new" parts made. No sometimes fit is not perfect, but
sometimes you have no choice. I did find that ALL of the interior parts from
TRF fit VERY well and most, carpet, new vinyl etc were in fact made in
And you can forget going direct to England. Ten times as many TR6's were
built for the US compared to England, so we have a better parts supply!
Hope some of this helps... GOOD LUCK. Hope you aare prepaared for the
expenses, these restorations get expensive. It's not hard to drop 6-10g.
Jerry Lloyd
74 TR6
Previously owner of 67 TRA and found I needed to recapture my youth!