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[no subject]

Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 11:53:02 EST
From:       Keith A. Edwards     (804) 925-2539 Virginia DOT                    
Date:       12/10/95  / 11:40:21                                                
Subject:    Reply to Re: No Subject                                             
I don't recall it being _too_ loud.  Sounded very good to me, and simple.       
It has been about 5 years since I have driven "Lazarus" my early TR4A.  BTW,    
I didn't name Lazarus, folks I work with did.  Something about rising from      
the dead.  I bought Lazarus as a parts car, from a Morgan person (who had       
already taken most electrical parts).  I put Lazarus back on the road, because  
she was too "good" to part out.                                                 
My assessment of the loadness is similar to my TR3B, with what I will call      
TR2, very early TR3 muffler system.  I replaced the rear resonator with a       
straight pipe, with a slight bend.  Same as the early cars, that got the        
resonator added because some (neighbors, not owners?) complained of the loud    
noise.  What I can't figure is why nobody seems to make that pipe, so I         
assume the early cars mostly have resonators now.                               
The dual pipes on Lazarus are 1 1/2" OD, 12 1/2" apart (on center).             
Mostly I was too "thifty" to pay $30-40 each for the dual rear mufflers.        
Keith Edwards                                                                   
cc:         TRs                  Triumphs                                       
            KEDWARDS             Internet entry for KEDWARDS                    

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