In message <9511070046.AA12305@rgfn.epcc.Edu> writes:
> >
> >Anyone know whats going on at the Roadster Factory these days?
> TeriAnn,
> I have wondered what is up also, having sent Charles Runyan several e-mail
> messages inquiring, but never receivnig the courtesy of a reply.
> On the other hand, I wouldn't give Moss the time of day. Nothing but trouble
> with incorrect parts being shipped and their order takers can't even tell
> you how much you have spent on a given order.
I can count only three times I recieved an incorrect part from Moss and I have
ordered a lot of parts from them.
I have had a lot of experience purchasing from both The Roadster Factory and
Moss since I am building a new TR3. I have generally found the Moss people to
semi knowledgable to knowledgable and up till recently the Roadster factory
phome people the same to slightly better. This is the first time I ran across a
preson who was unfamalure with TR3s.
On the order I made yesterday, the Moss sales person gave me current parts costs
and availability as we went along and gve me a parts total before I had a chance
to ask. I normally get the same from TRF. But this last time I had to
specifically ask the guy each time if the item was in stock.
> Also, TRF will ship next day or second day
> air, COD. Moss??? VB, no
It seems to me that I have order overnight from Moss, but I'm not sure. Where I
live I get Moss parts on the third day and Roadster Factory partson the seventh
or eighth day. Opps yes I ordered a MGB pushrod over night from them about 2
years ago.
> Agreed, catalogues are in short supply from TRF.
Short supply?????? They never have had a TR3 catalogue! I would agree that
qualifies as a short supply. Moss comes out with a revised TR3/4 catalogue
every 3 or 4 years.
Historically, I have found Moss and Roadster Factory service to be about the
same. Moss of course makes ordering parts a whole lot easier by having a
catalogue, and many times I have orderd from them just because the part was in
their catalogue and who knows if TRF carried it.
I hope this person I just delt with on the phone isn't a typical example of a
new wave of employees.
I my experience, I have found that Moss sources MANY parts that are no longer
listed by TRF. I have tried to make orders at TRF and have been told that most
of the items are NLS and have subsequently called Moss to be told that they have
them reproduced and that they are in stock.
historically I have found that TRF has better part quality than Moss. I have
made TRF my #1 supplier because of that. I have been told by a knowledgable
Moss employee that the person in charge of sourcing is not into quality and
thinks that we should be happy with file to fit pasts. I have had trouble with
Moss supplied rubber parts coming apart in no time, and many "painted or black
oxidised parts come pre-rusted.
In general I find that I need to refinish any painted part I get from Moss.
But at least with a catalogue I know that the person taking my order and I are
looking at the same part when talking part numbers and I can get a lot of parts
that TRF doesn't carry for my car.
I've always relyed upon a knowledgable TR3 person on the other end of the TRF
phone to make sure I go the right parts ordered and had no confidence that I
would get the right parts this time.
If they had a catalogue I wouldn't need a knoladgable sales person. They cann't
have it both ways. Its a shame they no longer have a presense on the mail