On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, Greg Meboe wrote:
> >What if we run a contest for the least maintainable design on a
> >Triumph? Points will be given for inaccessability as well as
> > interval of maintenace.
> Changing the differential fluid on a Herald-based car.
> (No drain plug, you have to tip the car up sideways?)
Greg is absolutely right on this one. Of course, it's easy enough to tip
the car if you have enough "jocks" around. (This was a very popular
pastime in my high school -- not actually tipping my Herald, but moving
it to various parts of the campus!)
Strangely enough, the early Heralds DID have a drain plug on the
differential. Why that feature was dropped early on is anyone's guess,
but I suspect it would be easy enough to add this feature back in with
the proper drills and taps. (They used that same square plug.)
Actually, it's not that hard to avoid paint stains when gassing up a
Herald; it's the white rubber bumpers that are so vulnerable! ;-)
Andrew Mace
10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant
Vintage Triumph Register