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Re: "Design" contest

To: Triumph List <>
Subject: Re: "Design" contest
From: "Bruce A. Krobusek" <>
Date: 31 Oct 95 16:13:11 EST
>Oil filter is easy; how about the fan belt on a TR6?

Well, the oil filter wasn't easy on *my* car!  :-)  And, theoretically,
you shouldn't have to replace the fan belt nearly as often as the oil
filter. (YFBMMV...)

As far as the fan belt goes, though, how did you finally manage to 
replace yours? I've thought about replacing mine, but haven't 
figured out a (relatively) painless way to do it yet. The best method
(to me) that I've heard so far is to wedge the old belt between the
frame cross member and the pulley, then bump the engine over
to force the belt out. Seems somewhat brute force to me...

     - BAK -

       Bruce A. Krobusek
         Rochester   NY
        CIS: 74106,1335
           '83 R80RT
       '72 TR6  CC75665LO

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