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Re: "Design" contest

To: (Triumph Mailing list)
Subject: Re: "Design" contest
From: Jeremy DuBois <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 14:23:22 -0500 (EST)
> >What if we run a contest for the least maintainable design on a 
> >Triumph?  Points will be given for inaccessability as well as
> > interval of maintenace. 

  My vote is for the TR7 water pump.  It seems like a yearly renewable and I
don't know what possessed them to jam it in there so you have to remove the
carbs and the manifolds before you can get to the water pump, which is
invariably stuck so tight into the engine that there's little chance of
removing it.  Of course, if you do manage to remove it, you'll still have a
hell of a time trying to find a rebuild kit for it.  By the time you finish
calling over to England you'll have spent almost as much as the cost of a
new pump. (Unless, of course, you're lucky enough to live over there)

                                        Jeremy DuBois
                                        Programmer/System Administrator
                                        Thermalogic Corporation
                                        '74 MGB, '76 Spit

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