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Any Ideas on How to Find My Father-in-Law's TR3?

Subject: Any Ideas on How to Find My Father-in-Law's TR3?
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 21:59:16 -0400

I am trying any possible leads to find my Father-in-law's TR3. He died 10
years ago in Virginia and owned the car in Niagra Falls, NY. A far as I can
tell it was a 1959? white TR3A with steel wheels and a back seat. Is it
possible that the Triumph dealer in Niagra Falls might still be in business
selling Pontiacs or Nissans? I haven't a clue what the TR3's commision number
may be. I am going to go over to my Mother-in-law's house and look through
her box of old photos to see if one is of the TR3 an maybe I can get a
license plate number?? If I can do you think it'll be much help? Should I
give up and just find a nice '3 and be happy?

Anyway if anyone has any bright ideas, I'm willing to listen. I'm afraid my
mother-in-law isn't much help. She told me that she was sure he sold the car
in 1952 or 1953!!

Thanks, hoping someone has an idea or two or three,
Ken Nachman
Richmond Triumph Register
1974 TR6 Mallard

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