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Nick Benson's battery cutoff

To: Triumph owners list <>
Subject: Nick Benson's battery cutoff
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 15:56:25 EDT
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
Nick Benson wrote of a battery cutoff switch that is operated by a
plastic knob, which he purchased at Wal-Mart for $9.

Nick; I bought three of them myself, at Lime Rock's Vintage Fall Festival
this year. One each for the Spit, the TR3 and the 240Z. Haven't installed them
yet so I don't know how they work. Not to make you feel bad but I got all three
for $15. OTOH there was a guy in the upper vendor area who was claiming that
he designed and manufactured them (and was the only source for them). He
wanted $15 EACH for them. In the lower paddock there was a guy who had
buckets of them. Said he's carried them for years. $7 each/ 3 for $15.
He claims to have had a lot of positive feedback on them. Anyone else who's
interested, look for a guy at the swap meets who sells trailer accessories.
His company is called Chiounard Industries. (I think that's how you spell it)
He's been invited to VTR96 in Albany.

I'll report my impressions of these switches as soon as I have them installed
and tested. Nick, you do the same? BTW, on Positive ground cars the cutoff
should go on the positive terminal, right?


Rik Schlierer                 "Weekends don't count unless you
RGS03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US         spend them doing something
NYS DEPT OF HEALTH, ALBANY NY  completely pointless" (Calvin)

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