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Re: TR3A poll

To: TeriAnn Wakeman <>,
Subject: Re: TR3A poll
From: R John Lye <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 95 15:10:57 EDT
On Oct 25,  2:54pm, "TeriAnn Wakeman" wrote:
> Questions:
> 1. Is the center of your front apron above the grill smoothly rounded or is
> there an "upper lip" just above the grill

There's a lip there now.  At one point during my ownership, the car
was backed into by a 4X4 P/U; the body shop very carefully filled
the lip with bondo ;-{  The next time that the car was in an accident
(my fault this time), I had it returned to its previous state.

> 2. How certain are you that this is the original front apron?

Fairly sure.  I've had the car for a long time, and it had been
sitting for a long time.  It (the car) had been repainted multiple 
times, so I'm not completely sure of its originality.
> 3. What is your commision number?


John Lye


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