The dammage is very bad. Basically you will crush the unidirectional
clutch (appears to be teh weakest point). Then the small metal bits
left over from the unidirectional clutch will destroy the planet gears.
Then the sun gear. As this blender of metal bits improves the small
bits get ground into smaller bits and start to migrate into the rest of
the system causing undue wear to all of the bearings, thrust washers,
and close toerance parts. Remember that the OD and the gearbox share
the same oil so this effects thentire gearbox OD system. The longer you
drive it the more wear. Early detection is dificult unless you accually
hear the crushing sound of the unidirectional clutch. The next
noticiable event is when the planet gears fail and the OD no longer
works, unfortunatly by this time the dammage is extensive and costly to
repair (if even possible). The best method I have found for checking
this is to open the OD, your first indicator of problems will be small
metal bits in the oil and filter. If you have a silvery grey sludge i
the oil and filter a rebuild is in order. If you have small metal bits
it is probably too late. I have also had some luck draining the oil and
then tuning the gear box over by hand and listening for the jingle
jangle of metal bits (This may be the case if you have just purchased
the gearbox as teh PO may have changed the oil to cover up the problem).
I am currently rebuilding my TR4A overdrive for this very problem.
Parts have been very difficult to come by (particullary at reasonable
Kevin Spooner
The Sports Works of Greeley
Specializing in Triumphs and British Sports Cars
> My TR250 hated to back up. It felt like the parking brake was on. I
> disconnected the axles from the diff and still had the same problem and
> finally figured out that the overdrive solenoid shaft was mis-adjsuted and
> was partially engaged.
> The manual says that "internal damage" can result from trying to back up with
> OD is engaged. Anyone know what kind of internal damage they are referring
> to or how to tell if damage has occurred?
> John Mardesich
> '68 TR250, Marin County, CA